Marty's Books
Blind Spots
When Medicine Gets It Wrong, and What It Means for Our Health
Modern medicine has developed giant blind spots. Learn about the latest research on topics that are NOT routinely discussed in traditional medical settings, but are central to your health:
▶ The Microbiome
▶ Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women
▶ The Peanut Allergy Epidemic
▶ Eggs (& other foods)
▶ Blood tests rarely ordered that everyone needs
▶ Childbirth
▶ Cancer Prevention
▶ Marijuana
▶ The Culture of Medicine
▶GLP-1 Drugs Longterm
▶ Medical Dogma
Could it be that many modern-day health crises have been caused by the hubris of the medical establishment? Experts said for decades that opioids were not addictive, igniting the opioid crisis. They have been refusing menopausal women hormone replacement therapy, causing unnecessary suffering. They demonized natural fat in foods, driving Americans to processed carbohydrates as obesity rates soared. They told people there are
no downsides to antibiotics and prescribed them liberally, causing a drug-resistant bacteria crisis.
When modern medicine issues recommendations based on good scientific studies, it shines. Conversely, when modern medicine is interpreted through the harsh lens of opinion and edict, it can mold beliefs that harm patients and stunt research for decades. Dr. Makary reveals the biggest blind spots of modern medicine and tackles the most urgent yet unsung issues in our $4.5 trillion health care ecosystem. The backstories behind the medical dogma that is propagated for decades can be absurd, entertaining, and jaw-dropping—but the truth is essential to our health.

The Price We Pay
What Broke American Health Care - And How to Fix it

Mama Maggie
The Untold Story of One Woman's Mission to Love the Forgotten Children of Egypt's Garbage Slums

What Hospitals Won't Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Health Care
The book details the hazards of transparency done poorly and the reward of transparency done well--when physicians and patients are at the center. How do we take health care to the next level? The barriers and heroes of the American health care system are highlighted vividly in this Library Journal Book of the Year.